Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, September 23

Journal - What three cities did you choose for your travel website? Why did you choose these cities? Explain.

I chose Fairbanks, Alaska, Buryata, Eastern Siberia, and Playa De Gueirua, Asturias. I chose them because I think they seem to have very beautiful wilderness and wildlife. I also think it would be very cool and fun to go to a different country! 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday, September 19

Journal - What kind of knowledge do you have in photo editing programs? Do you know how to use Photoshop? Fireworks? Or how about online programs such as Pixlr or Sumo Paint? How do you edit photos or create images? Explain.

I have used Photoshop before, and have the program on my computer at home. On my phone I use PicShop to make pictures look clearer or to add things to them. Sometimes I get rid of things I don't like too. I really like editing photos and I think it's pretty fun. I'd love to learn more about it!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday, September 16

Journal - Tell me about your weekend. Where did you go? What did you do?

Me and my sister went to our dad's house over the weekend. We didn't do much because some of us were sick. But we did go out to Seven Oaks Ranch to show my dad where I've been riding, and to introduce him to my instructor, Tara and her horses. Unfortunately she wasn't there, but we went by almost all the horses' stalls to say hello. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday, September 13

Journal - What are some things that you have wished you could do in Dreamweaver that you haven't been able to do? What do you want to learn how to do when making a website? Explain.

I would probably have to know more about Dreamweaver to decide something I wanted to do that I couldn't already. But one thing that I would like is to be able to make my backgrounds a bit more unique because just one color seems a little plain. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday, September 9

Journal - What makes a website “user friendly”? Elaborate on your answer.

A website that is user friendly is usually easy to navigate and read, and is visual and descriptive. It will not be too bright or flashy, but just enough so people want to read what it is about. User friendly websites will also not contain viruses or dangerous software that can harm someone's computer. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday, September 3

Journal - List all the different file types you can think of. What types of files and images do you think are best for a website? What do you know about copyrights? How do you avoid using copyrighted images?

I think that although many different file types can work on different websites, png, jpg, pdf, and gif files are best supported on websites. Copyrights are bought to protect someone's work from being stolen. One way to avoid copyrighted images is to look out for watermarks on the images, and to read the descriptions below them to check and see if they are free to use.


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday, August 29

Journal - What have you learned about making a website so far? What has been easy about it and what has been frustrating? Explain.

I feel like I've learned a lot about making a website so far. I didn't have a very hard time catching on to what we were learning, so nothing was way too hard. One thing I think is cool is to look at the coding tab in Dreamweaver because it's so different! 

I think it's pretty easy to use once you figure out how, but it did seem a little overwhelming at first. 
It can be a little frustrating to learn new programs, but Dreamweaver isn't completely different from the others I've used. I also don't completely understand about moving images, but I'm starting to get it.  

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thursday, August 22

Journal - What do you know about plagiarism? What do you know about plagiarism on the internet? How do web design, the internet and plagiarism all effect each other? Explain.

Plagiarism is when someone copies another's work word for word, or only changes a few words, and calls it their own and/or doesn't cite their source. Plagiarism could be if someone used their older sibling's history paper and told their teacher that they wrote it. Plagiarism on the internet is very similar, though it is online. An example of plagiarism on the internet would be if someone was writing a review on a book and they went online and copy and pasted something they liked onto their project. Web design, the internet, and plagiarism all effect each other because web design is on the internet, and plagiarism can be a big problem on the web.